Sunday, December 29, 2013

No Doubt is my shit. Almost three months here and heading for a new year. New Years is always such an impacting day, I feel like. We always start to reflect on things and think about the possibilities of the coming year. Some people make resolutions for self improvement. This new year is bringing me another big girl job with lots of hours and big girl pants. I'll have three receptionists and the owner for the first two weeks. She's put me in charge of pretty much everything that goes on. And I'll be running the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And I swore I'd never Tweet :(   I have skills for this one!

I've been thinking a lot about religion but more is the sense of the spirituality of it, the connection. I was walking on the street and a monk gave me a Kai Guang Amulet. Though this sparked my interest, I didn't give a donation to him and kept walking. However, I did find out a few days before that a well known Buddhist Temple is less than a mile up the valley I live in and I've been meaning to go. The card reads, WORK SMOOTHLY and LIFETIME PEACE. I like the sounds of both of those things.

I like to pray the rosary Mom gave me, they've felt her prayers and have been close to her heart.  I guess that's my connection to her and I can feel the prayers sent to me from lots of places and people, so that's something.. I think it's a tool and the way I have meditated my whole life.

I'm in a really positive mindset.

One thing I started stressing about, I asked a desk guy to make a copy of my social security card and as I was walking away the other guys said, "Did you mean to make two copies of that?" and then the fist guy was like, oops! He crumpled it and put it in the trash. And I DIDN'T ask to just grab it!! As I was walking away I thought I should do it and I didn't and it's the thought is haunting me!

4:11 + 6:11 are also 11:11.. Think about it!

 Oh, and we've salvaged the house. Thinking about moving into K2's big room and splitting rent for a bargain. 3 other ladies in their 20s and two guys in their 30s. Should be a good house. More to come on that haha..

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let the motherfuck burn.. or do we need water?

The drama of the house was an unreasonable feat to conquer. The people living here were mean, two-faced and unreasonable. The other Kristen is the lease owner and has been here through cycles of roommates in this 6 bedroom house. We were supposed to have a "house meeting" about the vile filth some of the roommates were comfortable living in (dip spitters in every room, even the back of the toilet), cleaning in general and the rude nature of people too. The only people in the house that made it to the meeting were said people. The only three roommates who were friendly, clean and easygoing didn't make it. Oh, not to mention the "guy on the couch" who didn't have anything to say, instead played the computer in his created computer nook. That kid used much more electricity than me and never paid rent even! Phew, so anyway. This meeting turns into a yelling match about nonsense.....

Just got interrupted by a visitor and had conversations 
of being stranded.
I'm an old soul with a young spirit.
Connections of it all.
And Celestialism.

Now it's like hours later and I don't feel like ranting. That's a good visit! :)

Long story short. They all bounced out of the house and didn't pay the last month rent, but stayed until the 15th, and they also refused to pay last months electricity. Screwed her over pretty bad. I was planning on staying at my friend's house for a month and then try to find another place. Somehow Kristen has convinced me to make this house work. I told her I would clean and help. I even put up a Craigslist ad. :) I told her I'm uncomfortable with putting my name on the lease, but would help her out as much as possible. So who knows what's next, but that's the latest update.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today one of my roommates curled up in MY blanket and ate pizza... and then took a nap. With my blanket.

Things are progressively getting worse in this house.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

This weekend was a crazy one. I was so looking forward to this long weekend, because I picked up extra hours at my personal assistant position, since I haven't been working the other one anymore. He's great but I was feeling DONE by the end of the week. Wednesday night was really the beginning of the weekend and we started it off with a foam party (+). It was wild. At one point some strung out dude thought it would be funny to push me, but I fell right to the ground. Just because the foam was all fluffy, didn't make the ground any softer. I  did the first thing I thought made sense in that situation; I sprang up and tackled him crack to the floor as hard as I could. Hit my hip and did some damage. He got up a lot slower than I did, so the operation was successful.
Thursday, dragging a little bit, Happy Thanksgiving! Went to my bosses house early and did a ton of cooking with him. We made all of the traditional foods. The party was a blast. All of the guests brought all kinds of food from Japanese mochi rice stuffing to cookie dough cheese cake bars. Let me say that again, COOKIE DOUGH CHEESE CAKE BARS. It was a jolly merry drunky time!
Then these past two days shit went down. Like bad shit to people very close to me here. And a close friend and teammate on the UH football team of my roommate died last night. He drowned at Sandy's.. My really close friend got attacked and attempted to rape her. She got away, thank God, with a black eye and bruised ribs. It was a lot.

I just really want to have a relaxed meditative day tomorrow and process everything. I'm really thankful for everything I have here and how I've been able to make everything work. I feel safe and blessed. It's so hard to deal with tragic situations that occur so close to us but do not impact us directly. There's a certain sense of powerlessness in all of it that gives me the urge to be a positive influence.