Sunday, December 29, 2013

No Doubt is my shit. Almost three months here and heading for a new year. New Years is always such an impacting day, I feel like. We always start to reflect on things and think about the possibilities of the coming year. Some people make resolutions for self improvement. This new year is bringing me another big girl job with lots of hours and big girl pants. I'll have three receptionists and the owner for the first two weeks. She's put me in charge of pretty much everything that goes on. And I'll be running the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And I swore I'd never Tweet :(   I have skills for this one!

I've been thinking a lot about religion but more is the sense of the spirituality of it, the connection. I was walking on the street and a monk gave me a Kai Guang Amulet. Though this sparked my interest, I didn't give a donation to him and kept walking. However, I did find out a few days before that a well known Buddhist Temple is less than a mile up the valley I live in and I've been meaning to go. The card reads, WORK SMOOTHLY and LIFETIME PEACE. I like the sounds of both of those things.

I like to pray the rosary Mom gave me, they've felt her prayers and have been close to her heart.  I guess that's my connection to her and I can feel the prayers sent to me from lots of places and people, so that's something.. I think it's a tool and the way I have meditated my whole life.

I'm in a really positive mindset.

One thing I started stressing about, I asked a desk guy to make a copy of my social security card and as I was walking away the other guys said, "Did you mean to make two copies of that?" and then the fist guy was like, oops! He crumpled it and put it in the trash. And I DIDN'T ask to just grab it!! As I was walking away I thought I should do it and I didn't and it's the thought is haunting me!

4:11 + 6:11 are also 11:11.. Think about it!

 Oh, and we've salvaged the house. Thinking about moving into K2's big room and splitting rent for a bargain. 3 other ladies in their 20s and two guys in their 30s. Should be a good house. More to come on that haha..

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