Thursday, March 6, 2014

We lost internet with one of the roommates leaving and getting it back on took a little longer than expected due to good ol' procrastination and a little bit of the having better shit to do. But I just got internet at the house so now I stand excuseless.

 I had this saved as a note on my desktop for two months now.
.....:::::  We had a Kahu come to the Massage Place today to bless the building and start our opening in a positive and freed environment. We wore leis and it was a beautiful practice with tea leaves, oils and incense. The energy waLahela, our Kapu, talked about a cleanse that she's on where you drink only supplements shakes and take amino acid pills every two hours of the day and then a different kind just before bed. It really sparked my interest. She had information about it, and it was actually pretty expensive. I still would like to try it though! It did bother me a bit that she was selling something, but then again we all gotta make our extra. :::::.....
s a phenomenal feeling. At one point she opened, what she called, the rainbow path and invited the spirits at unrest to find the light.  I had chicken skin from the air. It was about setting the intent establishing presence and respectful energy and positivity. We prayed in a circle. 

Also, tried an at-home cleanse. Two days, you have to drink an entire gallon each day and nothing else. 1 gal. H20, half lemon, half teaspoon curry powder, generous pinch fresh ground ginger.
It definitely made me slim quick <because you're literally starving yourself> and it wasn't THAT hard. But it sucked and I don't think I'd ever want to do it again. You also can't exercise at all on cleanses and that would be shitty for the two week long ones.. I'm set.

Just the other day the other Kristen and I were going for a run up our valley. We drove up on the bike about a mile and parked at the community center where there's a pool and gym whatnot, and started running from there. So we're goin' for it and chatting, because we just had ANOTHER crazy roommate shitshow and have three new people. We're talking all about that at times, running really hard at times. So we're getting farther into the hills. When all of the sudden a giant boar grumbles, rustles the bushes and the lunges towards us! Fuck that! Go google image search Hawaiian boar. Do that. Better yet, I will and add it to this for all you lazy smother pluckers.They say climb a tree, but heading the other way not too fast and then really really fast was the best thing to do. I didn't even look back hahaha.



  1. Careening down wet puddle filled mountains on a motorcycle... Getting charged at by wild boars... Please make it home to me alive at some point!!

    P.S. I still check this every day even though you haven't posted in months :)

  2. Well I'm glad someone is feeding my brethren! There were so many times I would think, ooh I need to add that to my blog.. And couldn't.

    I'll be back at some point! I need to see your home.. or at least hear about it. I should start convincing you to make a blog, so I can keep up.
    So much love
