Monday, December 29, 2014

So I just came upon some interesting information, if I may. As I'm researching different connections to my birthday for my next tattoo, I'm finding out all kinds of interesting tid-bits and beliefs. I knew in the Chinese horoscope I was born in the year of the Snake, I'm a Sagittarius, The Archer, birthstone: Topaz. My opposing rulers are the Sun and Jupiter. Also not any new information. But as I'm looking up the differences in history and the debate surrounding the Birthstone and Starstone conundrum, that is when I stumbled upon something new.
My stone, Topaz, which I often adorn myself with is the stone which I have the most connection to. In a jewelry store I would be drawn the the Blue Topaz section. I wear it more than any other stone and it is, in a sense, the stone that I give the greatest amount of my energy to.
Come to find out that Christianity also had a bearing on the naming of specific gemstones for the twelve Guardian Angels. The angel who shares the stone with me is Ashmedai (or Asmodeus).

As sourced from Wikipedia..  (who could really use your donation by the way):
is a king of demons[1] mostly known from the deutero-canonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist.[2] The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends, for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon. He was supposed by some Renaissance Christians to be the King of the Nine Hells. Asmodeus also is referred to as one of the seven princes of Hell. In Binsfeld's classification of demons, each one of these princes represents one of the seven deadly sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride). Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people's sexual desires.

Pause. Be it a coincidence that Lust is the only of the Seven Deadly Sins which I have found struggles in abiding by? Maybe this is completely out of no where and I'm trippin' , right? I'd be lying if I said homegirl never done tripped on some real shit...
 I just thought this was really eerie and it makes me think twice about putting the topaz around my neck...
Greeks believed that topaz had the power to make the wearer invisible.
Romans believed it had the power to enhance eyesight.
Egyptians wore the stone as protection from injuries.

Read more :
In the Middle Ages, topaz was thought to heal physical and mental ailments and even prevent death.
Greeks believed that topaz had the power to make the wearer invisible.
Romans believed it had the power to enhance eyesight.
Egyptians wore the stone as protection from injuries.

Read more :
In the Middle Ages, topaz was thought to heal physical and mental ailments and even prevent death.
Greeks believed that topaz had the power to make the wearer invisible.
Romans believed it had the power to enhance eyesight.
Egyptians wore the stone as protection from injuries.

Read more :

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I don't see anything wrong with getting buzzed alone so long as it's not a regular thing, yeah?
Arizona makes these tall can Lime Rickey mixes, like Mango Lime Rickey and Grape Lime Rickey and Lemon Lime Rickey and Strawberry Lime Rickey.. They work as GREAT mixersss! rum rum rum...

I started to move into my new place today!! finish tmorrow wahooooooooo! :)))))

Also Mouse Update:
The trap was mysteriously set off by a random plastic bag and the bait had three bites taken out of it. Cunnin' little fella. SO peace the fuck out to ths room and helllooooo to my new place! pictures to come because it is fabbbbb! :)

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Augustttt!! August- a gust, aghast. Awweeee... Gus :( t.

Banana nana no neena.

I can't wait to experience this oncoming storm. It's just all the buzz! Iselle is a tita hurricane lady on Big Island and more of a tropical lady storm here. Current Netflix addiction is Longmire, think about it! One week until I move into my awesome new place.
I was at Diamond Head today. The surf was decent sized for this side with the oncoming storm, but also choppy consequently. There was no more dry sand anywhere away from the main spot where surfers jump in to catch the current out. I was in an upper nook of the shoreline down a way reading, and out of no where the waves were like, "Uh, bam bitch! Oh you thought you were the only one using that towel today?!" And I was all like, oh shit! my phone and my book and my towel! It was all good though; I hung it on a tree along with my backpack and jumped in to ride those nasty waves. And we swam and danced and laughed. It all worked out between us, I could never stay mad at that ocean. The sun was there too!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Side Note:

The trap still sits there waiting for prey.
The evasive mouse lives on.
Good for him.

Sittin' on a Toilet

This post is especially for Lindsay Ryan, who I never knew stalked me.

So what is I'm dru nk alone again!? Yeah, you can move around the world, but that don't really change much about who you are. If I were still on Danforth right now, I would send you a video of myself doing something silly as my lonesome inebriation turns to boredom. Then I would stumble outside to the parking lot pow-wow gang and immediately start making jokes wiht the loved one that I just tele-assaulted through innapropraite videos... Sittin' on a toilet! Not to mention Salsa Chip Massacre. I wish I saved some of those gems. I did find one that I sent to Lindsay's ManPeach, Corey a.k.a best friend neighbor a.k.a. BFN.

Everyone can Enjoy that and imagine the others that bloomed.

Friday, July 18, 2014

So I'm sitting here in the Hahaione room where I live for the present, sipping some divine blueberry Noir paroozing my computer the regular way.. I see something small and dark dart from the table to the corner trunk. I think? Maybe it was just my imagination? I'm in a great mood because God has just blessed me huge with not 1 but 3 particular prayers sent up there, but also thinking of a wise woman's pensive words and excitedly looking forward to my Mind Mapping session with her on Tuesday. Then I go outside and expand my mind a little bit into a different state. I go inside the house, fill my water bottle, grab my 2.5 serving size bag of Smartfood Popcorn and settle into my comfy spot. And then, oh shit yup, that is definitely a mouse, or worse yet, a rat! Que freak-out.
I have to keep the door shut to make it more likely he/she want the food in the trap.. I'm sad he's gonna die. And I  really want to put the trap right outside my door and leave it ajar. In the middle of the night I'll randomly hear a snap and know he's passed... that's fucked up. Just because he found his way into the house. But I also don't want him festering around and skeeving me out. This is such a small room and he's just somewhere right now..
I keep getting distracted by internets. Day off tomorrow- pretty excite. Hopefully I make it to the free pilates class but there's no telling how strong those convictions will be tomorrow.. For now I turn to Netflix.
I have since eaten all of the popcorn.
And drank all the wine.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Journal Excerpt: April 29th, 2013

It's gotten me into some really fucked up situations that were completely my decision. It's made me feel darkness and emptiness. It's all I ever want to do but want to feel it as a whole.
A connection. A bond. A passion.
Fiery currents radiating through my body so yearned to be loved. The strength of attraction forcing closeness. Temporarily satisfying the howls of craving from my insatiable root. Moving my body, thrusting my desire.
Want. Want it. Want it all.
Then an overwhelming psychoanalysis of the situation at hand. What brings on the feeling of self-loathing when loneliness sinks in?
Reality check: I love me and the place I'm in. So filled with love just bursting within me waiting to be shared. I want to share all of me, my care and happness. I need sureness and trust. I want to be able to feel free to be careless and not second guess affection for lust.
Wait. Wait for wholeness. Then bask.

And also, stop pre-ruining any possibility of good with your shield as a barrier of self-sabotage.

I feel like what we are doing in the moment and a present state of mind is a big part of who we are in this moment. I can't know who someone is without knowing where they are coming from.

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy.. Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

(some text withheld)

What is really importnat?
Fight for yourself.

Peace and Love always <3

I ended this entry with a crude drawing of "peace" and immediately made fun of myself..  I felt this was an important component to display.. lol