Friday, July 18, 2014

So I'm sitting here in the Hahaione room where I live for the present, sipping some divine blueberry Noir paroozing my computer the regular way.. I see something small and dark dart from the table to the corner trunk. I think? Maybe it was just my imagination? I'm in a great mood because God has just blessed me huge with not 1 but 3 particular prayers sent up there, but also thinking of a wise woman's pensive words and excitedly looking forward to my Mind Mapping session with her on Tuesday. Then I go outside and expand my mind a little bit into a different state. I go inside the house, fill my water bottle, grab my 2.5 serving size bag of Smartfood Popcorn and settle into my comfy spot. And then, oh shit yup, that is definitely a mouse, or worse yet, a rat! Que freak-out.
I have to keep the door shut to make it more likely he/she want the food in the trap.. I'm sad he's gonna die. And I  really want to put the trap right outside my door and leave it ajar. In the middle of the night I'll randomly hear a snap and know he's passed... that's fucked up. Just because he found his way into the house. But I also don't want him festering around and skeeving me out. This is such a small room and he's just somewhere right now..
I keep getting distracted by internets. Day off tomorrow- pretty excite. Hopefully I make it to the free pilates class but there's no telling how strong those convictions will be tomorrow.. For now I turn to Netflix.
I have since eaten all of the popcorn.
And drank all the wine.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I accidentally removed it before I got a chance to read it. :(
