Friday, July 25, 2014

Sittin' on a Toilet

This post is especially for Lindsay Ryan, who I never knew stalked me.

So what is I'm dru nk alone again!? Yeah, you can move around the world, but that don't really change much about who you are. If I were still on Danforth right now, I would send you a video of myself doing something silly as my lonesome inebriation turns to boredom. Then I would stumble outside to the parking lot pow-wow gang and immediately start making jokes wiht the loved one that I just tele-assaulted through innapropraite videos... Sittin' on a toilet! Not to mention Salsa Chip Massacre. I wish I saved some of those gems. I did find one that I sent to Lindsay's ManPeach, Corey a.k.a best friend neighbor a.k.a. BFN.

Everyone can Enjoy that and imagine the others that bloomed.

1 comment:

  1. Danforth is just not the same without you....or your videos.
