Monday, October 28, 2013

Journal Excerpt: November 4, 2011

And in this dream of whole tranquility I feel the fluidity of a dozen birds spiraling waves of shade and color through a clear blue sky. I feel the strength of the assurance in my convictions. I accomplish all that I am capable of and obtain the self validation that I yearn so desperately to encompass. My thoughts are wise, my words honest. My mind is loved, my body cherished. Serenity is not the word that can hold true to the composure and stillness of my euphoria. This mental safe haven is my paradise, which keeps my optimistic world viable because reality is perception and my jubilation is either feasible... or it is madness. I have the confidence and enthusiasm in my idealism.

In this dream I do.
I'm adjusting.. Writing in a journal-type way is way harder than writing in my journal. I was thinking the other day how funny it would be for someone else to read my absurd entries. It's easier to write random thoughts than to say okay, what do people want to hear? I was thinking of doing random excerpts from my journal in here. I never remember what I write, so it's like brand new when a look back on it.
I went to Waimanalo Beach today with five of my housemates. We all piled in the pick-up truck that one kid, Josh, had borrowed for the day from a friend. Five in the cab, one in the back.. It's legal here to ride in the back of a pickup. And actually, sometimes on the highway there are huge trucks with 10-15 farmers piled in the back. That makes me laugh. We were originally planning on going to Sandy Beach, which is infamously known for the casualties taken with the enormity of it's waves. Just as we were getting close it started raining. Felt so bad for Manny in the back! We did a slow roll through Sandy, but since it was raining we didn't stop. Those waves were not a joke though! Further on Kalanianaole Highway was Waimanalo Beach,which has quickly become my favorite beach. I mean, don't get me wrong, if someone tells me there's a better one then I'm there. It was a great day! One wave flipped me so hard, I'd like to say I went ass-over-kettle.
Adorable housemate, Aspen
Just yesterday was a tailgate for the UH Manoa, Warriors football game. Oh and that was 7 of us in the bed, 2 in the cab. Just a bunch of rowdy college kids, music, sunshine and of course anything you needed. It was definitely a sensory overload at times. They didn't win.. not that anyone was really paying attention. I need to establish a posse. A posse would have been more comfortable.
On that note a lot of my time so far has been out of my comfort zone entirely. And sometimes my inner voice goes, eek it's just me! But then my other one says, you got this girl; it's just you! So the voices in my head are comforting is what I think I just said? Not entirely sure that I'm being clear. I often find myself out of my element and having to just make a move to get things flowing better than them just happening naturally. Does that make any sense? It's NEW and it's super and it's awesome and it's fun. My housemates are all laid back and friendly, so just hanging out at home is always chill. More downtime to myself would be a positive change. I'd like to get a smaller place eventually, but it will happen eventually. And they're friends.
Zippy's Loco Moco
Allow me tell you about the Loco Moco. This is a traditional Hawaiian food, which consist of white rice, hamburger patty, fried egg and extra gravy (always extra gravy). Someone told me about it and prefaced with, now I know it sounds gross.. It never sounded gross to me! Holy smokes was this delightful. People say it's a great drunk food, so maybe I'll have to try it sober before I'm selling it. But delightfully satisfied. And it had a side or macaroni salad, because so does everything.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

This place really does Halloween right! Since it's one of my favorite holidays, I'm thinking I really came to the right place..  Last night was Crazy Sexy Ghoul, which is an enormous party that's also a fundraiser for Make a Wish. It was a blast and a half. This upcoming weekend is the Chinatown block party in Honolulu where it's a giant party and they block off the streets. And the actual Halloween night is when Waikiki strip and beach are full of people imagining they're something else for the night. LOVE IT! This means I get to be Wonder Woman not once, not twice but THREE times. And I make a damn good Diana Prince, if I may say so myself!

Friday, October 18, 2013

I'm feeling moderately sentimental. Not in a depressive way, but just in a way that makes me want to hug someone I love. I think it's PMS, honestly.

A little excerpt from my journal:
"Departing from Logan at 8:20am on October 2nd, 2013. I watched New England vanish behind me with a plane motor hovering above the place I've so long called home. Flying is a crazy thing. My ears are going nuts. Thinking about all of the people coming and going, in routine or out of their element. All of the different stories, loved ones. So many people just BEING. For some reason I already hated this pilot before we took off. Flying is like being alone while surrounded..."
 So yesterday I went on a date with a guy from OKCupid. And immediately you're like, "why has she not yet given up on this app?" Meh, something to do. I had already blown him off twice, so I felt obligated to go this time despite my raging hangover from a boss time with some friends at Moose's in Waikiki the night before. So I called him when I rolled out of bed and back into sober existence. He says, "come to my house, I'll make you breakfast and then we'll find something fun to do." Okay, I say. Now mind you, I am not a picky eater. Microwaved eggs on toast with cold bacon and cream cheese is NOT my idea of a first-date-impress- me-breakfast. He talks a lot, that's fine. We go on a little walk around the hood and grabbed some shave ice (a Hawaiian commodity) and he starts in on this shpeal about retarded people (minus 1), and that's when things started to go downhill. We decided to walk to Diamond Head and on the way he starts talking about some girl with "gross-ass, hard, fake DD's"(-1) and my unfiltered quick wit retorted with, well not every lady can be blessed with natural DDs. At which point he accuses them of being fake (-1). He then POKES and GRABS my tatas to ensure they're real!! (-5) I had to get a little serious with him, because home girl don't play that on a first date. So what does he do? Grab my butt (-5). So at this point, I've pretty much decided this first date is our last date, but I'm a good sport so I continued having fun. As we hiked he began to talk to every Japanese person we passed; he claimed to speak Japanese earlier. He had like five phrases that sounded nothing like Japanese and the people who he spoke to clearly had no clue what he was trying to say.. although this made him look really stupid, it was actually pretty hilarious (+1). We get to the top, check out the view, take a small break, head back down. On the way down I was walking down in front of him and he proceeded to tell me that I had a flat ass and should consider doing some squats(-3). Now, either he knew that I had already called it and he was just fucking with me, or he has some serious issues. Once we got to the bottom of the hill, we took a cab back to his place. I'm like, well that was really fun! Thanks so much. And he looked surprised that I didn't want to go back up to his place to hang out some more.. I just don't understand.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Hamster Puppet

I just miss this little cuddle buddy so darn much! Every time I play with a dog, I think of her. She such a little hamster muffin. I know that she's doing great in Buxton and I appreciate the help my family is giving me with her. Gosh, I just want her in my life. It's like a piece is missing... dramatic. Smallfry baby pudding pie, I miss you!

Hike like a Mainiac

Two weeks today! It has most definitely flown by. The only negative thing that is wearing on me a bit is that there are sooooo many people in this house! I live with 11 other people. Yeah, it's a huge house.. and don't get me wrong they are some of the coolest people ever. I consider every who lives here a friend. It's super chill. It's just a lot of people. I need more space! But we did get WiFi today, chicka chicka yeah!

Me and Angel- only moderately muddy at this point
And here we are again on this giant fallen tree in the heart of the jungle
 On a more positive note, on goes my hiking! This week I've done two trails. The first one was Maunawili Falls in the Kailua jungle! The entire hike is completely mud trails. I'm talking, you are covered up to your knees by the time you reach the falls.. And your arms and hands too, if you fall like me! The lagoon there was really pretty, but we did go on Columbus Day so it was wicked crowded. But we went to a place that Angel likes to call the "Secret Fairy Sanctuary." If you climb up the waterfall and scale a little ledge, there's a really quaint spot that's tucked away. With a super sketchy jump that only I and one of the guys was brave enough to jump! The lady washing her hands in the picture where I'm crossing the river totally ate it on her way back, it was a had to be there hilarious moment.

crossing a little river

So then today I hiked Diamond Head, which is really more of a rough trail with stairs, it's definitely a beginner trail. It's arguably an important place to visit based on history!  Funny to see how many pictures are being taken in my picture.. And the landscape of Waikiki would be a lot nicer if da kine didn't pop his head in the way! Well, it was another wonderful, sunny day!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This weekend I saw (so far) the most beautiful spot I've seen. It starts with a hike that's really more of a path, super easy. Oh you think it's going to be a breeze? Part of the path opens on the right side where there is a steep hill that looks like a mud slide. There are ropes tied through the mud-path vertically, and you have to hold on tight and propel yourself down this slippery, steep, scary path! All the while you're getting eaten alive by maskeets! That part was miserable. But when get to the bottom, revealed is the most beautiful secluded lagoon. there is a large rock formation on the right side and then a huge waterfall. When you climb up the slippery waterfall by grabbing another rope and holding tight, you have two options once you're at the top. You can either jump off into the lagoon, or continue climbing into a nook that leads to another waterfall. I was in awe at the beauty of this spot. Truly a little piece of heaven!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jesus say what?

There's an Apostolic church on my street that I can actually see from the living room window with this little number fixed atop it. Maybe they forgot "is" or maybe they wanted it to appear more as an advertisement to those interested in finding a faith. Regardless, whattttt? I wish I was on their level.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today I had a job interview.. but I decided after an initial interview and then a second competitive group interview that I owned that I'd rather not work for an insurance company.  So I went to the beach instead! It was the KoOlina beach on the west side of the island, which is right by the Aulani, Disney Resort and Spa. The entire beach is "man-made" meaning the coast has been completely remade into separate lagoons with nets to keep out unwanted big fish and sharks. All of the rock walls and natural looking structures were placed there. And since it's part of the resorts, there are comfy lawn chairs and not a ton of people. Something new I learned about the weather in Hawaii is that it is completely inconsistent everywhere. So if it's raining where you are and you feel like going to the beach, then go somewhere else and there will be sun! I have a new buddy, Angel. She is my golden ray of sunshine and I love her life! As if Hawaii needed to shine brighter. Today was another great day in paradise! Oh, and here I'm an "East Coast girl." Love it! And I found a place right around the corner that's called Boston Pizza. It decked out in New England team swag. I felt so at home and I told them, they'd be seein' me! So they gave me a punch card and said we'd be friends. Miss and love you all. 

Peace and Love!

P.S. If y'all snitches want me to keep taking time to ramble about things, then I would like some comments, so I know who is actually reading this ish.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Posts have been demanded of me ;) *cough* Erin Wad *cough*

So the trip here went without a hitch. I mean, it was long as all ever. And my pen did explode all over my hand. That was a bit of a hassle. Oh, please note that the paper used to wipe the ink off was the directions so Charlie Bate's house. xoxo wonderful person. (I almost hashtagged #wonderfulperson.. and then I did)

So on the way I was finding ways to entertain myself, naturally.. And I find this picture and I'm all like, "I would push this bitch out 'the way in an emergency situation. She's clearly old and going much too slow!" The lady next to me thought it was hilarious and then we got to talking. She was moving out here too. Awe, my first buddy.

Yeah, anyway. I spent one night in the hostel and it was lovely. Great people, nice place, super location. If I wasn't too lazy I would Yelp about it. After that I moved into a place in Palolo, Honolulu. I live with about10 other people. I don't think I've met them all yet. It was a mess when I got here. And I'm all like, uh no. So I rallied everyone to clean.. and now I can breathe.

Making friends, visiting new places, trying crazy new food, loving life! Job to come.. haha but being unemployed in Hawaii is a bit of a dream! 

I went on a 4 mile hike up Kuliouou Ridge, Hawaii Kai. It was beautiful. The last quarter mile was these stairs. It was totally an fml moment! Definitely worth it though.
I'm having a BLAST! I have realized that I need a moped. That's pretty much what most student or young folk have for their means of transportation. There is such a wide range of the people I'm meeting. Where I'm very interested in learning about the culture and experiencing everything here to the fullest, I'm excited to try to things. I'm finding the students and military personnel whom I have met thus far are not so as much. I'm not sure why that is. The Japanese influence here is definitely abundant. I did have the best Udon of my life the other day! Oh and spam musubi, so good!

This has been a boring post I think, but at least I've jazzed it up with some fancy pictures, right? 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Peace Out Maine!

So as I'm closing in on my last few hours here in New England, I can't help but feel overwhelmingly appreciative of all the loving people who I'm fortunate enough to have close to me. Yeah, maybe I've gotten a little sentimental today. But the only tears I've cried are for those who will no longer surround me with their loving presence. And just having experienced that love in the first place is pretty friggen awesome. I am SO fortunate. God has blessed me greatly!