Monday, October 28, 2013

I'm adjusting.. Writing in a journal-type way is way harder than writing in my journal. I was thinking the other day how funny it would be for someone else to read my absurd entries. It's easier to write random thoughts than to say okay, what do people want to hear? I was thinking of doing random excerpts from my journal in here. I never remember what I write, so it's like brand new when a look back on it.
I went to Waimanalo Beach today with five of my housemates. We all piled in the pick-up truck that one kid, Josh, had borrowed for the day from a friend. Five in the cab, one in the back.. It's legal here to ride in the back of a pickup. And actually, sometimes on the highway there are huge trucks with 10-15 farmers piled in the back. That makes me laugh. We were originally planning on going to Sandy Beach, which is infamously known for the casualties taken with the enormity of it's waves. Just as we were getting close it started raining. Felt so bad for Manny in the back! We did a slow roll through Sandy, but since it was raining we didn't stop. Those waves were not a joke though! Further on Kalanianaole Highway was Waimanalo Beach,which has quickly become my favorite beach. I mean, don't get me wrong, if someone tells me there's a better one then I'm there. It was a great day! One wave flipped me so hard, I'd like to say I went ass-over-kettle.
Adorable housemate, Aspen
Just yesterday was a tailgate for the UH Manoa, Warriors football game. Oh and that was 7 of us in the bed, 2 in the cab. Just a bunch of rowdy college kids, music, sunshine and of course anything you needed. It was definitely a sensory overload at times. They didn't win.. not that anyone was really paying attention. I need to establish a posse. A posse would have been more comfortable.
On that note a lot of my time so far has been out of my comfort zone entirely. And sometimes my inner voice goes, eek it's just me! But then my other one says, you got this girl; it's just you! So the voices in my head are comforting is what I think I just said? Not entirely sure that I'm being clear. I often find myself out of my element and having to just make a move to get things flowing better than them just happening naturally. Does that make any sense? It's NEW and it's super and it's awesome and it's fun. My housemates are all laid back and friendly, so just hanging out at home is always chill. More downtime to myself would be a positive change. I'd like to get a smaller place eventually, but it will happen eventually. And they're friends.
Zippy's Loco Moco
Allow me tell you about the Loco Moco. This is a traditional Hawaiian food, which consist of white rice, hamburger patty, fried egg and extra gravy (always extra gravy). Someone told me about it and prefaced with, now I know it sounds gross.. It never sounded gross to me! Holy smokes was this delightful. People say it's a great drunk food, so maybe I'll have to try it sober before I'm selling it. But delightfully satisfied. And it had a side or macaroni salad, because so does everything.

1 comment:

  1. You'll find exactly where you're supposed to be. It sounds like you're having a blaaaasssstttt!! I'm so happy that you like your roommates and the food and the beaches and all of that! I miss hugging you though. Keep writing, I love it!!!
