Monday, October 7, 2013


Posts have been demanded of me ;) *cough* Erin Wad *cough*

So the trip here went without a hitch. I mean, it was long as all ever. And my pen did explode all over my hand. That was a bit of a hassle. Oh, please note that the paper used to wipe the ink off was the directions so Charlie Bate's house. xoxo wonderful person. (I almost hashtagged #wonderfulperson.. and then I did)

So on the way I was finding ways to entertain myself, naturally.. And I find this picture and I'm all like, "I would push this bitch out 'the way in an emergency situation. She's clearly old and going much too slow!" The lady next to me thought it was hilarious and then we got to talking. She was moving out here too. Awe, my first buddy.

Yeah, anyway. I spent one night in the hostel and it was lovely. Great people, nice place, super location. If I wasn't too lazy I would Yelp about it. After that I moved into a place in Palolo, Honolulu. I live with about10 other people. I don't think I've met them all yet. It was a mess when I got here. And I'm all like, uh no. So I rallied everyone to clean.. and now I can breathe.

Making friends, visiting new places, trying crazy new food, loving life! Job to come.. haha but being unemployed in Hawaii is a bit of a dream! 

I went on a 4 mile hike up Kuliouou Ridge, Hawaii Kai. It was beautiful. The last quarter mile was these stairs. It was totally an fml moment! Definitely worth it though.
I'm having a BLAST! I have realized that I need a moped. That's pretty much what most student or young folk have for their means of transportation. There is such a wide range of the people I'm meeting. Where I'm very interested in learning about the culture and experiencing everything here to the fullest, I'm excited to try to things. I'm finding the students and military personnel whom I have met thus far are not so as much. I'm not sure why that is. The Japanese influence here is definitely abundant. I did have the best Udon of my life the other day! Oh and spam musubi, so good!

This has been a boring post I think, but at least I've jazzed it up with some fancy pictures, right? 

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