Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hike like a Mainiac

Two weeks today! It has most definitely flown by. The only negative thing that is wearing on me a bit is that there are sooooo many people in this house! I live with 11 other people. Yeah, it's a huge house.. and don't get me wrong they are some of the coolest people ever. I consider every who lives here a friend. It's super chill. It's just a lot of people. I need more space! But we did get WiFi today, chicka chicka yeah!

Me and Angel- only moderately muddy at this point
And here we are again on this giant fallen tree in the heart of the jungle
 On a more positive note, on goes my hiking! This week I've done two trails. The first one was Maunawili Falls in the Kailua jungle! The entire hike is completely mud trails. I'm talking, you are covered up to your knees by the time you reach the falls.. And your arms and hands too, if you fall like me! The lagoon there was really pretty, but we did go on Columbus Day so it was wicked crowded. But we went to a place that Angel likes to call the "Secret Fairy Sanctuary." If you climb up the waterfall and scale a little ledge, there's a really quaint spot that's tucked away. With a super sketchy jump that only I and one of the guys was brave enough to jump! The lady washing her hands in the picture where I'm crossing the river totally ate it on her way back, it was a had to be there hilarious moment.

crossing a little river

So then today I hiked Diamond Head, which is really more of a rough trail with stairs, it's definitely a beginner trail. It's arguably an important place to visit based on history!  Funny to see how many pictures are being taken in my picture.. And the landscape of Waikiki would be a lot nicer if da kine didn't pop his head in the way! Well, it was another wonderful, sunny day!

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